The universe presented by Mariana Bunimov places the viewer in the middle of a crossroad were, without hierarchy or apparent connection, thousands of images hailing as much from her imaginary as from her daily life, cross paths. Defying any kind of criteria or absolute, the eclectic nature of her world is also the reflection of the spirit of our time, the zeitgeist: a fragmented and hybrid world where the permanent flow of many different and divergent images and data converges in an ongoing immediacy that goes beyond any given geography or time-frame. Through the accumulation, re-appropriation and transformation of bits and pieces of multiple realities, Bunimov creates an eclectic world within which coexist civilians’ disruption, childhood images, music, lovers, landscapes, modern ruins, personalities, martyrs, fashion, architecture, memories, hybrid-objects and hybrid-beings. Mariana Bunimov’s work has been exhibited at MAC Panama City, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Zulia (Maracaibo), The Americas Society (New York), Museo de Bellas Artes (Caracas), Apexart (New York), Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporáneo (Roma) Museo de Arte de Maracay, Museo Alejandro Otero (Caracas), Museo de la Ciudad de México, La Colonie (Paris). She has participated at the 7th Gwangju Biennal (South Korea), 21st International Biennal of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Second Biennal of Christian Dior Visual Arts, (Venezuela) and 5th Dibujo National Biennal of drawing (Venezuela).